Dr Miroslav BRUMOVSKÝ (Czech Republic)

Miroslav’s research activities focus on the study of the fate of anthropogenic contaminants in environmental systems and the development of new approaches for their removal.

PhD in Environmental Chemistry

Current position: Postdoctoral Scholar in Environmental Chemistry at Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science, University of Vienna, Austria, and Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic

Research focus: removal of chlorinated hydrocarbons and chromium (VI) using advanced nanoscale zerovalent iron particles

Currently, Miroslav works as Postdoctoral Scholar at the University of Vienna and at the Palacký University Olomouc. He is investigating the removal of groundwater contaminants using advanced nanoscale zerovalent iron (nZVI) particles. nZVI particles attract extensive attention for contaminant removal due to their large specific surface area, superior reactivity, easy and flexible in-situ applicability, and low environmental risks associated with their application.

Miroslav has gained international experience in Norway, the Czech Republic, Italy, and Austria. He considers himself a member of the generation that is responsible for designing green solutions for a more sustainable future.

CV as submitted for the Green Talents award (2016):

Masaryk University, Czech Republic

Research focus: emerging contaminants in marine waters

One of the negative human impacts on the planet is chemical pollution. Maintaining oceans and seas free from pollution is necessary for human life since they are responsible for about 50% of the oxygen we breathe. Yet, given the fast growth of both human population and global goods consumption, marine ecosystems are increasingly affected by human activities at a global scale. A wide range of chemicals with anthropogenic origins has been detected in both coastal and open sea areas. In his work, Brumovsky investigates different types of emerging contaminants in the North Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. For this purpose, he performs seawater sampling either using a research vessel or an innovative automatic water sampler with pre-programmed sampling locations installed on a cargo ship.

Brumovsky has gained international experience in Norway, the Czech Republic and Italy. He has also worked as an intern and researcher at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and the Norwegian Institute for Water Research. He was awarded in the GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program and in the Gifted Students Support Programme of the South Moravian Region. Brumovsky has published the outcomes of his research in numerous scientific journals and his ultimate goal is to promote environmental issues for public awareness.

Brumovsky is enthusiastic that the topic of Green Talents is ‘Seas and Oceans’, as it is an area that is extremely relevant to his work. He believes that he could benefit from his stay in Germany, where he would have the opportunity to visit institutions like the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. The programme will help him expand his knowledge about the impact that climate change has on oceans and how this is connected to marine chemical pollution.

The jury was impressed by Brumovsky’s forward-thinking research approach and his plans for environmental protection, especially regarding the marine ecosystem. Taking part in the Green Talents forum will help him expand his knowledge, meet follow scientists and continue to progress his water research.